Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A new Kara on the scene

I saw her on TV and totally fell in love.

She ran across my screen and dashed into my heart. Her name is Kara Goucher and she placed 3rd in today's Boston Marathon.

And she's hot.

Don't be surprised if you see her name a little more often now.

I totally forgot that today was the Boston Marathon, but I caught the highlights tonight on the news. Today was also the 10th anniversary of Columbine. I happened to be sick that day and spent the entire day on the couch in my pajamas watching the affair unfold on live TV. It was such a tragic event.

Another year, I found myself at home with food poisoning, and yet again curled up on the couch watching TV. I think it was the only time I have been able to watch almost the entire Boston Marathon. Before moving to California, I used to race home for lunch just to watch the winners cross the finish line. The three hour time difference has prevented that from happening since.

Perhaps that will change now that America has a new gal to root for.

Of course, she broke my heart when I saw the big rock on her finger...but I totally understand the emotions she is going through right after the race.

She came so close to winning, and was right there to see the winners just ahead of her. I'll still be rooting for her in the future...even if she does like guys.

1 comment:

Jessica Lyn said...

That's so cute but perhaps you should sick to that guy from SD though. You didn't say, but I'm just guessing here for obvious reasons, that you did tell him that you're Trans? And was he born male?