Monday, September 04, 2006


What a mess, huh?

First, this guy in Thailand named John Mark Karr says that he's the killer of JonBenet Ramsey. Then, word gets leaked that he was in Thailand trying to have a sex change.

The headlines: Child Molester / Murderer Sought Sex Change!!!

Great. Now people start to associate child molesters with transsexuals. OK, not everyone, just the ones that want and need to make that connection. As if it isn't bad enough now, this just adds a little more on top of that barrier we were trying to bring down.

The man, though, is obviously whacked out. His brother says he couldn't have done it since he was celebrating Christmas with the family thousands of miles away. DNA has also turned up that he wasn't the shooter. Hmm...maybe there were two shooters. Is that a conspiracy I smell? Or maybe it's like that CSI case where the perp had two DNA profiles and half his body is one DNA and the other half is whacked out monkey DNA. Who knows. Perhaps he just wanted a first class ticket home.

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