Friday, February 22, 2019


I'm at home (instead of work) taking care of my two little boys.  The toddler was sick yesterday; the baby is sick today.  Neither can go to daycare due to the fever rules, and the other momma is off at work.  With the toddler napping, and the baby either napping or sitting in my lap, I've been reposting stuff into this blog that I still hadn't moved over from my old AOL site.  That group of repostings comes around 14 years ago, in the time before and during my SRS in Arizona.  In one of the entries, I talked about never having a family, or children, or a dog.  Right now, I have all of them...a wife, 2 kids, a dog, and a house in the burbs.  Did I ever dream I would actually have this?

Probably not.

Did I ever hope I would have it?


That was why I stored sperm back in 2002...before I started hormones.  Those deposits have lead to a long road to two boys.

It was quite reminiscent reading back through my time at Greenbaum and Donna Rose's place, along with who went along with me and all of the people I met there.  On my vaginal deepening trip in 2016, I ran into a few of the people I had seen in 2005 who still remembered me.  It was sorta like my own little high school reunion.

I read my entry from the day after SRS and remembered that Amber had stayed in my room that night to watch over me.  With my baby in my lap, I texted her, "Thanks for watching over me 14 years ago.  Seems so long ago."

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