Thursday, February 22, 2007

Jimmy Kimmel Loves Transsexuals

As usual, I was up way too late last night. I'd watched LOST a few hours prior, so the TV was still on ABC. I don't usually watch ABC except for LOST.

Anyway, Jimmy Kimmel had guest Rebecca Romijn on. Rebecca is currently seen on Ugly Betty as Alexis Meade, a transsexual woman. Jimmy mentioned this at the beginning of his program, so I figured I'd stay up a little longer and see what they said.

After bringing her out, Jimmy showed a number of pictures of transsexuals...including Renee Richards, Amanda Lepore, and a few others that I didn't recognize. (To be honest, I was slightly hoping he didn't pop up an image of myself. Luckily for me, I don't have many super clear images up...just enough so you know who I am.)

So, Jimmy then mentions that most of the transsexuals he showed didn't look anything like the supermodel Rebecca currently is...since that is who she is playing on Ugly Betty. It is kinda ironic that a show modeled around their main star being someone who is ugly has a transsexual character that is a supermodel.

Jimmy thought most transgender people weren't as feminine as she appeared. Rebecca chimed in that there were plenty of feminine transsexuals...and that she had a transsexual friend that had lived as a woman longer than she had lived as a man. I found that to be quite interesting that she had an acquaintance that was transgender.

Although Jimmy seemed slightly only slightly uncomfortable talking about transsexuals, he took a fairly reasonable approach to her playing a transsexual.

On a wicked little side note, I have an acquaintance who has spent a little time with a certain talk show host. We shan't mention names, but I do find it remarkable just how many people are quite "curious" about transsexuals.


Anonymous said...

Kara, so what's your take on Lost? I've been loyal so far but I think I'm done with it. It's gone the way of the X-Files, just plain boring and getting nowhere fast. It's a shame as the first season was great, last year was good, but other than the Desmond episode two weeks ago, this season has blown big time.

Not surprised on the talk show hosts who are "curious" about transsexuals. I wish that were a good thing but I don't think it is.

Kara said...

Yeah, I'm fairly disappointed with how long they are taking on the current day. There has been little progression...but, I have heard that they are going to give us a lot of information over the completion of this season. Supposedly they are running new episodes all the way to the end...we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Lost should have been a two yr show-it would've worked out much better(it's not like 'The prisoner' or even 'twin peaks')