Monday, April 14, 2008

Lobby Day

NCTE's Transgender Lobby Day activities run today and tomorrow. When I heard about Lobby Day during the Transgender Leadership Summit I actually thought about heading to D.C. and participating. Unfortunately, my representative had special circumstances and would likely not be in session at this time period.

Instead, a friend of mine is looking to arrange a local meeting with our rep so we can discuss ENDA and other transgender issues. I've printed out some of the material NCTE has on their website and I still need to review it before our meeting...but there is a lot of good stuff there.

I almost wonder if we are preaching to the choir, though, in that our California reps are a little more attuned to transgender stuff or not. On a recent trip to see my parents, though, they told me about some local legislature giving transgender workers better protections. It's very impressive. Obviously it took a lot of hard work to get protections in that area of the country...and I bet the city council voters probably took some heat for their votes. I don't know if it came in response to one of their police force transitioning last year or if their city council saw other cities doing it and said, "Hey, we need to protect everyone" and added in the gender identity clause.

Either way, bravo to them. Our voices are being heard.

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