Wednesday, September 03, 2008

America's Next Top Model....

...actually could be Isis.

I was a little late in getting home from softball, but I was able to catch the last half of the show. OK, I'll admit, I haven't caught many episodes of this show before, but I have seen a few.

They mentioned the transgender stuff early on, but they kept it fairly general. A few of the girls claimed to be of the "small town" variety and "you'd get shot" for walking around like reference to Isis. She's got her allies, though. A few of the girls have their own various backgrounds, and I suppose you can't understand others until you've understood yourself. We'll get to know the girls over the next few months, but from what I saw, Isis has a decent shot...even with the cards stacked against her.

On a real positive note, though, the judges have been exposed to all of the LGBT stuff before. Two of the judges are gay, and Tyra has always had a positive spin on transgender women previously on her talk show. And, of course, they are the ones that put Isis on the show in the first place.

Isis looks pretty decent, is tall and skinny, and doesn't have many male features with her face. Of course, many of the male features that she does have are present on a lot of the top models anyway, so that part doesn't really matter. She could definitely use some voice work because that's about her only male feature.

She has her work cut out for her, but she has potential. A lot of potential. She just needs to be true to herself and try not to let the bad ones ones affect her. They showed some of the girls already picking on her, but I think they have enough girls on the show that are secure with themselves, that Isis will have her allies.

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