Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Three month-ish post-op FFS

A week ago today I was three months post-op FFS. So, here’s my report, albeit a little late.

The top of my head is still a bit numb, but I have about 20-30% feeling in the front along the hairline, fading to about zero percent feeling on the very top of my head. The bad part is that it itches itches itches….bad bad bad. The good part about the bad part is that I can feel most of what I’m itching, so it feels good to itch it. The hair is also growing out of the incision along the hair line, with the average length of the hairs being just under an inch (about 2cm).

The nose is still a bit stiff, but I can move it side to side a bit. The swelling in it continues to go down, except you can now see the one larger bump on the upper part of my nose. I can live with it, but it would have been nice if my nose ended up straight. It’s still going to have that loopy look to it.

The incision inside my mouth is still a bit stiff, but it’s loosening a little each day. The jaw and chin are still a bit lumpy, and sore to a firm touch in some areas. The trachea shave scar is still lumpy as well, including some of the tissue down along the route he had to move in order to shave the Adam’s Apple.

I have my three-month check up with Dr. O next week, so I’m supposed to pick up the particulars on everything he did to my face, as well as have him look at the overall recovery. He only gets to do this with the local girls since most everyone else lives too far away to travel here for just a check up. I think they really enjoy being able to see the results.

Oh yeah, I can sorta get my finger up into my nose now...not that anyone really wanted to know that. Fortunately and unfortunately, I have had a very runny nose the past couple of weeks…ever since the trip to Arizona. I haven’t really had to clean out any solid boogers, instead, I’ve had to blow my nose every couple of hours. My nose still starts running as soon as I hit any cool air. That part of it is really annoying, especially when I am caught without a tissue.

Moving from boogies to boobies, my breasts have been a bit tender lately. Hopefully that is a good indication they are growing again. I hope so.

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