Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Asked out

I’ve only had a few guys ever show interest in me, and most of them were drunk. (I'm not sure if that is good or bad.) There was one recent guy that tried hitting on me when I was doing a track workout, but he lived relatively far away and was a bit older. Of the women that have hit on me, most of them were drunk, too.

I suppose that’s why I was relatively curious when a friend recently told me that someone she knew who I had met previously found me interesting (she’s my friend’s roommate’s co-worker if that last part was a little confusing). I met her via my two friends at one of their parties, and arranged it so that both of us were at another recent party. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to chat much then.

Via connections, two friends asked if it was OK for them to give my phone number to her.

“Of course.”

When she called yesterday to ask me out, wow, what can I say. I don’t think I’ve ever had a girl actually ask me out before. I’ve had a few guys kinda ask for my number or ask if I would go on a date with them, but this was definitely different. I’d always asked girls out previously, so this was kinda nice, and because I remember the courage it takes to ask someone out, I took it easy on her. I said “yes,” of course, but we won’t set anything up until I get back from visiting the Midwest.

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