Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Keeping your nose clean

This will not be a fun entry.

Last week, I caught a news article about the body of a transgender woman found in a river near Sacramento. It's obviously a grim tale, and they are now treating her death as suspicious. When we hear about the body of a transgender person being found, we almost assume that foul play has been involved.

Earlier this week, I caught a report about a pedestrian being run down in San Francisco by someone driving a Jag. Today, they are stating that the person driving the Jag is transgender and tonight I saw her on TV being brought before the judge. It appears she either passed out or fell asleep at the wheel when she killed the pedestrian, who was just picking up some items for the restaurant that he worked at. It's tragic that the pedestrian was killed, and unfortunate that the transgender woman will likely go back to prison. She already has prior convictions on a number of items, and was told not to drive.

And now, tonight, they are reporting that the decomposed body of a young man was found in the Santa Cruz mountains near San Jose. When you hear about the body of a woman being found, you usually realize it was a sexual crime, but with the body of a man being found, you wonder what happened. They say he was wearing very distinct clothing and a very unique ring, the details of which will likely be released later this week in the hopes of identifying him.

I just hope they don't say he is a transgender woman.

Through all of these stories, there is a common theme. Keep your nose out of trouble. Sure, people shouldn't be killing people for being transgender, but, let's face it, there are a lot of men out there that will kill you if they think you are female, only to later realize you were born male...especially if they have had sex with you. Not all men will act violently in this manner, but there are some. I'm not going to debate the issue of when to tell a person with whom you are romantically involved, but staying off the streets...out of prostitution...can help prevent the time when some insecure guy decides to take out his sexual insecurities on your skull.

I know that drugs, alchohol, video games...etc. can provide that escape from the reality of living in the wrong body, but it needs to be done in moderation. Try to keep your nose clean, out of prison, and focused on goals to get you where you need to be. Sure, it is easier said than done, but transition is quite possible for almost long as they address their priorities and stay focused.

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