Friday, January 22, 2010

Breaking News

According to an email I just received, the TGSF 2010 Cotillion has been cancelled. I wasn't there for the committee's decision, but there are a number of reasons for the cancellation. One...there were no contestants. Two...the economy still sucks. I'll have to find out what pushed them to the final decision.

The lack of contestants is something we have been discussing for a while now. It's actually been mentioned jokingly that I would have to continue on as Ms. TGSF since there would not be anyone to take over that role.

I had actually been planning to mention much of this in my farewell message before ending my reign, so I may have to write it out simply for posting here. I was thinking about using a "Ghost of Cotillion ______" theme, but hadn't finalized it since the Cotillion theme dealt with 2010: A Trans Odyssey.

Anyway, I'll write more when I find out the details, but I wanted to mention it. I know some friends went shopping for their gowns already. I looked last weekend, but couldn't find anything I liked. Now, I'm kinda glad I sucked at shopping.

Posted from my iPhone.

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