Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So, I'm just sitting in my cube working on a little data collection project a few days ago. Work has been going OK and I'm finally starting to work on some projects. Up until the past week or so, though, it's mainly been training sessions and whatever else I can find to stay busy...especially during the holidays.

I ran into one guy my first week who used to work at my old company, but we didn't really know one another...he just looked familiar, but I don't think he recognized who I was when I was introduced.

I ran into another guy in the hallway who was on his cellphone and we both kinda did a doubletake at one another. After chatting, we realized that we both worked in the same building at my old company. I think he was actually there when I transitioned, but I'm not exactly sure.

I also got an internal call from a woman who I networked with prior to getting my current job. She was at my old company when I was hired on and was there through my transition until leaving a few years ago. I listed her name as having referred me for the position, and hopefully she received a nice little monetary award for doing so.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, sitting at my cube. All of a sudden, I hear:

"Hello Ms. Flynn."

Out from the side of my cube appears R...the same R I went out with about this time last year...the same guy I came out to on the 3rd date.

My jaw literally dropped. It was his first day on the job and he had moved into a cube three cubes down from myself. I have to admit, I know that my industry is very interconnected, but this...come on now...this is a bit extreme.


Josie Kat said...

I wrote only last week something very similar. It seems that the past keeps knocking on our door just when we're not expecting it and we're much more connected to the past than we realise at times. Well, if the expression "it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger" is true we should all be superhuman by now, for facing all these little things that keep surprising us from time to time! I hope it all works out ok :-)

Jessica Lyn said...

Kara: Ok, I think we're missing something here.. is it bad that this guy works with you again and is going to be sitting near you? I mean your previous post about him says he took the T stuf well and you even hung out afterwards. Maybe he'll end up being a good friend!?!

Joise: Its been a while... when are you coming back to the states? Don't be a stranger!

Kara said...

Well, it would be nice not having to deal with people who know sometimes...especially with work. I mean, he stopped by and we were chatting, and I'm not sure...but he might have called me "he", but it just sucks having to worry about that. And to be honest, it's kind of a downer when you hear the wrong pronoun 6 years after transition.

Jessica Lyn said...

Oh, well I can understand that. I think its weird that he called you "he" when he didnt even know about you until you told him... or am I wrong?

I guess the one thing you'd have to worry about the most is if he is the kind of guy that would go around telling others about you.