Wednesday, June 29, 2005


It's a perfect score in bowling, but for me, it's the number of times that I have dilated in basically the past 4 months. I spent the first month dilating 4 times a day, then went to twice a day for three months. I think I missed one of the 4 times when I flew back to California, and I've missed a handful of the twice-a-day's as well. I've dilated every morning, though, but missed a few late night ones when I had been out too late (or was too lazy).

Three hundred times in four months. Using at least 20 minutes per dilation, plus at least 10 minutes for set up and clean up, that's 9000 minutes or 150 hours....over 6 days. I typically dilate at least 30 minutes, which would be 12,000 minutes....or 200 hours...or over 8 days. That's a lot of time.

The problem with dilating taking up so much time, though, is that it has totally shrunken my day. Instead of a 24 hour day, I now have a 22-23 hour day, which actually makes things a little tougher getting everything done around the apartment...including writing in here.

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