Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What did you have done?

I talked the recovering Blair into taking a lap around the Greenbaum ward after dinner. As we exited her room, I see this woman with sun glasses ahead of us just standing there. She looks star struck, and if anyone could look like a model rubbernecker, I’m sure they would look just like her.

I made it past her, but the waddling Blair in her Dr. Meltzer provided robe caught her eye.

“Hi. What did you have done?”

Blair pointed at her groin and said, “Downstairs.”

“I know, but what did you have done?” she asked again, thinking that Blair was telling her that she had surgery downstairs at Greenbaum.

“Oohhh......v a g i n o p l a s t y,” responded Blair.

“Oh, I hear more women are having that done...it’s a new procedure” in reference to an article out about more women having their labia reduced in a procedure known as labiaplasty, and not vaginoplasty.

“Uhhh...it’s been around for awhile,” Blair corrected her.

“So, you didn’t like the shape of it?” the woman asks.

“Yeaahhhh...pretty much,” Blair said with a slight smirk on her face and an additional eye roll for added effect .

We all kinda chuckled afterward.

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