Wednesday, May 24, 2006

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming

I finished off the second of my two finals last night. Whew!!! I'm glad to be done with school. Working, going to class, and participating in athletics has recently left me with little to no time...especially with my addiction to the darn computer game (I'll leave that entry for another day).

As I turned in my test to the instructor last night, he shook my hand and thanked me for being in the class. I think he liked me, and we're not talking about looks. At midterms, I was the only one in the class with an A...and the class wasn't that hard. So many of the kids in there just didn't follow through with homework, labs, or studying. Although I had some of the material before, I was still learning as well, but, seriously, the class wasn't that hard if they tried. I suppose the key word is if.

Now that class is over, I can get back to more of my regular routine. I have to admit, I've missed going for my evening runs lately, and have only been able to squeeze a few in here and there. My emails have also suffered. I think I have over 150 sitting in my email box, with over 80 more sitting in another account. I need to read through them at some point. The upcoming three day weekend will hopefully afford me a little time as well. Of course, though, I'll be staying busy this weekend as well, but will hopefully find some downtime to chill.

This past weekend went well. Our team showed a lot of promise and really came through on a lot of fronts. I think we also found our weak spots and need to work on resolving those via more team building. The locker room issue never really came up since there weren't any showers and none of us really got naked. Sure, we changed clothes via a lot of different methods (one girl basically got naked on the field), but we were still kinda gooey from not showering.

I know it may seem like I'm obsessing about this, but I'm not totally worried about it. And before anyone writes me comments, please, realize that everyone is different and prefers to handle different situations as they feel comfortable. Some people have told me not to worry about it and just be 'stealth', but I'm not stealth. The lesbian 'community' does mix slightly with the T 'community', and there are places where I am quite out where someone could easily notice the T stuff.

I think I'm just trying to figure out if and when I should tell them. I don't want them finding out via another method and having them feel like I lied to them. If I came out to them, i think a lot of them would respect that more than them finding out on their own (if they don't already know).

OK, I'm off to interview another college kid for our intern spot. I think this is the first time I've interviewed college-aged kids. Wow...I don't remember being this bad when I interviewed so long ago, but I'm sure I was.

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