Monday, November 19, 2007

New ID

My new driver's license ID arrived today. It turned out better than I thought it would, and also arrived in a fairly timely manner. The old one was about a month after FFS, and I was kinda hesitant about showing it to anyone that didn't know my past. I look swollen and I have my hair pulled back in a ponytail. The new one looks really really nice for a driver's license, and I doubt I will have any issues showing it to anyone.


Anonymous said...

Dang! The new driver's license looks amazing, not that the old one looked bad. What a difference a day makes (and some hormones thrown in) :-)
I hope that my new driver's license next month looks a tenth as good as yours.

Stelle Courney said...

Yep and you should even be proud of it! Getting an amazing look on a couple of IDs such as the driver's license is uncommon, if not rare! I can imagine you rolling down your new car's window, showing it to the officer, and the officer saying 'nice!' :D