Sunday, December 27, 2009


I saw Avatar last week in IMAX 3D. It was worth every dollar. There were stunning visuals, spectacular visuals, insane visuals, and fantastic visuals.

But behind the visuals, there was still a decent story. I won't spoil it here, but I'm sure plenty of people have already seen the previews. A human has a big blue alien body he can "live in". The aliens take him in and give him a bunch of tests before they let him become one of them.

Real life tests.

Get where I'm going with this? It seems like we all have to prove ourselves before we're accepted as one of the girls (or boys). Remember that new kid that moved into school in school? When did they become one of the gang? Or that new kid that joined the sports team...when did it feel like they were one with the team?

I've had a recent discussion with a coupe of friends recently about "regendering". One of the women says that once a person genders us, we cannot be regendered. Basically, once someone knows you as male, nothing you can do during transition will ever let them regender you as female. I say hogwash. I think over time, transitioners "pass" these tests that people have made up in their minds which allows them to become one of the girls (or guys). Sure, there are people that never allow a transitioner to pass these tests, but I think there are lots of people that do.

What are some of these tests? Some of it is general looks and feel, voice, lack of masculinity (or femininity), clothing style, poise, attitude, social skills, and just a general vibe of who a person is.

Beyond all of that, though, I still believe there are people that don't look with their eyes, but with their hearts.


Ol' Guy said...

It takes time ... but from my practical experience, a person can be 'regendered' in another's eyes.

Kelly said...

I'm with your friend on this one, if they knew you as male, they will always see you as male despite what they call you or how they treat you. It's not that they are being disrespectful or mean, it's just human nature as gender plays such an important part of our lives, for right or wrong.

sugarplumswirlymiss said...

Funny concept when you step back about it, someone just needs to take you as the kind of person you are period, the rest is dross. But with anything some can accept you being "re-gendered" and others can not. Not everyone can adapt to changes as well as others, it may just be the type of person you are hard-wired to be.