Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rush Hour 3

I was catching up on my Netflix list, lately, and had Rush Hour 3 at home. I will admit that I enjoyed the first two movies...they were entertaining. Yes, I was able to understand the words coming out of his mouth.

The movie was cruising along decently (I already had a few of the plots already figured out) until the main female character reveals her bald head underneath a wig. Chris Tucker’s character unfortunately then goes into this big gay-panic/transphobic rant about whether or not she is a man and has a package. While Jackie Chan’s character tells him she is a woman, Chris Tucker’s character continues to dance around as though his manhood is on the line. It was a total overreaction, but I guess they needed that to create what they hoped would be a humorous scene.

It’s too bad they couldn’t just have Jackie tell him that he’d still “jump her bones” even if she were a man because she was that hot, or have Chris say that it didn’t matter because she was all woman to him.

Anyway, it was mildly entertaining but gets a negative score for the transphobia scene and no counter-response.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're giving it on TV right now and that scene is so bloody awful. I'm not even sure why her being bald should lead to a question of her femininity. Like women aren't actual women unless they have a full head of hair. It was so stupid and downright unfunny, but I guess that's what you can expect from a threquel.