Thursday, January 20, 2005

Gay Fish


I attended a presentation tonight by biologist Joan Roughgarden, author of Evolution’s Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People. She led off with a profile that the BBC put together which was fairly interesting. I guess I wanted to hear more about the sexual diversity in the animal world more than the rest of it though. We did hear about a little of some topics, but just not enough of the why...which probably can’t be answered. I do like her theory about sexual selection which totally sets aside what Darwin says. She also mentioned that she had more than 300 separate cases where homosexuality exists in nature, but none of it is taught in our general science classes, of course. No one wants to tell their kids that nature also has cases of homosexuality because, well, if nature has it, then maybe all the humans doing it might not be all that bad, huh?

Anyway, one day I will have to pick up her book and read it. Maybe I can also get an autograph since we both have the same zapper.

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