Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Low Maintenance

I was out playing with the lunch-time crew today. It’s just over 2 months since surgery, and although I am nowhere near 100%, I wanted to try it anyway. I did OK, but didn’t push things. It definitely felt good to get back out, but as the rain started to fall, I told them I had to go since I didn’t want to get injured.

Initially, when I was hashing everything out with HR right after FFS, they gave me free reign over the bathrooms...except those with locker rooms in them...until after SRS. So, after today’s work out, I was in one of the bathrooms with the single shower stall. It was way better than running home to shower and running back to work.

Speaking of showering, I have been a real slacker lately. I still shower in the morning, but with dilating taking up an hour then and at night, I have cut out everything except the basics. That means I shower, then throw the hair in a clip and worry about doing something with it after I get to work...which usually entails just some side bangs and the clip in back or tying it back with a band. I still apply a UV protective moisturizer to my face, but no makeup except for a little eyeliner and lipstick once in a while. That’s about it. Well, I do dress myself and eat a little breakfast, but it has all cut down on my email and internet time in the morning.

It’s just so hard getting motivated to dilate. I mean, dilating isn’t that bad, it’s just a big time drain. Plus, being native-procrastinator, well, it just makes it hard to get going sometimes. I have the TV to watch and a number of magazines to read, but still, it’s just..I dunno...boring? So, when the nerves start firing again...who knows, I might change my mind.

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