Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Old Smokey

Work has been hectic, hectic, hectic. And I’m not even talking about anything with transition. The problems from last week are still hanging around, and although the products are fine when I analyzed them here, they don’t seem to be performing properly at two different customers. On top of all of that, I am trying to finish off a lot of projects before I am out for a while. On top of that, we’re trying to get everything straightened out with the projects my boss was working on since he is leaving. On top of that, a huge problem popped up with some products made at our foreign production site that were going to be used with our new project. On top of that, I still have regular weekly items to handle. Finally, and this is kinda just a minor item....I’m transitioning from male to female. Ooops...perhaps that is a big one.

Speaking of work, HR has decided to have ‘sensitivity training’ while I am away. I was hoping to come out before I left so that I could begin working on a few items that will need to be completed upon my return...such as email changes, name plate, etc. My HR contact says that she’ll take care of it while I am out. Hey, that sounds good to me.

What I was really hoping for, though, was the chance to say ‘bye’ to some people before I transitioned. I wanted them to be comfortable asking me questions before I looked different. Perhaps I will talk to a few of them before I leave on Friday.

Finally, one good piece of news. I was informed a few weeks ago that I won a digital camera at a conference I attended in LA. It arrived today. It’s an ok digital camera, with 2.0 megapixels. My current camera is 2.1, so I’ll probably just keep it. I still have no idea what I will do with the one I won. Looking on ebay, it could fetch a little over $100, but is it really worth it to do all of that, or do I just find someone who can use it?

T-Minus Day 3

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