Monday, May 30, 2005


The framing business called me this morning to tell me that my frames were complete and that I could come by to pick them up.

“Are you open today?” I said as I realized it was the Sunday of the Memorial Day weekend.

They were, so as I was running a few errands today, I stopped by to pick up my re-framed college diplomas...the ones that now have my current name. I paid slightly over $50 for it all, but they look nice and the place did a good job at putting all of it back together again. My sister had originally framed both diplomas (as well as my high school diploma), and had placed some sort of seal on the back that prevented easy replacement of any diploma. I assume this was also done to limit the amount of air that could slowly wither away the documents.

A few months ago, I sent an email to my old high school asking if they issued new or revised diplomas at all. They called a few days later and said that they didn’t issue revised diplomas at all. Damn. So, it looks like that one will have to exist with the old name on it.

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