Sunday, August 10, 2003

Freaky Fridays and more

Friday was weird. I had my appointment to see the Ear, Nose, Throat Doc. He checks the report from the audiologist....perfect hearing. Whoo hoo!!! So, then he looks in the ears. Yep, they look fine. So, now he brings out this scope device and says he wants to look up my nose.


He takes out this power sprayer and shoots some brownish liquid up my nose to numb it. Nice. It tasted horrible as the spray made it all the way to the back of my mouth and trickled down my throat.

OK, all numb.

In goes this scope as he watches from the eye piece on the other end of it. Sorry, no live video feed. He kinda gives me a play-by-play account as he makes his way around. He finally gets to one point and says that I have a deflected septum...and that he’s going to push past it. eeeewww! So, this guy is pushing on this scope device in a place that feels like it's back inside my head. That did not feel so good. He finally makes it past it and takes a look at my Eustachian tube, then goes back to the play-by-play announcing. “We’re going to look at the other Eustachian tube from this side and see how it appears.” After that, he pulled the scope back out....past the deflection.


The other nostril was a bit deflection to push past. Anyway, he couldn’t find anything wrong with me either. He said he could fix the deflected septum, but he didn’t think that would really solve my hearing issue. My head felt weird the rest of the day, it had been violated. I will have to tell Dr. O about the deflected septum next month when I visit him for a consult, even though he is not recommended for soft tissue work. His bony work is to die for, though.

I went home for lunch Friday. I walk in the front door....and nothing. Usually there is Scooby (I call her Boobers) right there with a tennis ball in her mouth. She’s my roomie’s boyfriend’s dog. So, I think my roomie must be home and out walking her. I open the door to my room (I usually keep the door shut so the dog won’t get in there) and out walks Boobers. “What the hell are you doing in here dog?” “Great!” I think, the dog has been up on my bed and has hair all over the place. So, I look on my bed and there is a huge wet spot. Not cool! OK, the dog is kinda freaky, lovable, but still freaky. In the past, she has locked herself in the bathroom during rainstorms. Now, the Bay Area does not get thunderstorms....they get rainstorms if you can even call them that. It’s like a light sprinkle that just kinda continues on and on.....if and when it does rain. Otherwise, it really doesn’t do much out So, the dog is a bit of a whack job...I think she’s really a cat stuck in a dog’s body. The power had been scheduled to be out for service, so my roomie had made sure that the bathroom door was shut so Boobers couldn’t lock herself in there again. I usually close my door as well, but I guess it had been open that morning.

So, I spent the lunch hour kinda cleaning up my sheets and mattress. Fun. My roomies also helped clean my mattress later on. It smells a lot better now, but it’s still kinda freaky knowing the dog peed in my bed. Of course, I had to flip the bed.

(OK, in looking up ‘peed’ in my dictionary to ensure that I spelled it correctly, I found that the origin of ‘pee’ comes from the first letter of ‘piss’. Hmmm. Also, while looking thru the dictionary I found the word ‘pizzle’. It means “1. The penis of an animal. 2. A whip made from an animal’s penis.” That must be a short whip. Freaky.)

I hung out at a coworker’s BBQ yesterday with my friend Kathy. In sort of a strange activity, they had everyone paint flower pots. I did more of a field scene. Kathy was impressed, so she showed it around. More people were impressed. My coworker had an artist at his BBQ as well, and showed the pot to him. He said I showed good promise...and that I should continue to paint. Hmmm.....interesting. My coworker actually said something about me really showing my creative side of late with the play, the painting, and taking a dance class this fall. Hey, if he wants to call it a creative side, that’s fine with me. Creative Kara....has a nice ring to it.

Kathy and I went to see the movie Terminator 3 after the BBQ. Whew...what a bleak movie. I thought for sure we were going to get another cool ending, but nope! Bleak movies really give me the chills. It makes me think about the mortality stuff again. They didn’t have Linda Hamilton back for #3 so they made up an excuse to kill her off. Leukemia...fought it for three years. My grandfather had leukemia and didn’t make it past a year. I remember watching him sleep in ICU. It was disheartening being a 15 year old watching your grandfather die. It’s devastating to think how your body just conspires against you from within. I think that’s one of the worst ways to go....knowing you are going to die by something you can’t prevent. I just hope that my body doesn’t deceive me....not yet.

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