Saturday, March 11, 2006

Ups and Downs

Yesterday was a very weird day for me. By the time I left work, I'd already argued with four people. I hardly ever argue, and yet, I was totally involved in the dissension. In both discussions, I was outnumbered 2-1...which led to me having to prove my point extra hard. I won't bore you with the details, but I was simply amazed that I was actually arguing. I wonder what it was. Hormones? Feeling bitchy? or were people stepping on toes that I felt needed defending? Who knows, but the first one might have helped trigger the second. In both cases, I felt like I didn't initiate the argument, but I definitely helped in continuing it.

In one of the discussion, I came close to shedding a tear...which is way too serious for a discussion at work. Work really isn't supposed to bring out that type of's just supposed to pay the bills. I don't like arguing. Usually, I'm a mediator...finding ground for both parties...but in this case I felt like I was being both the arguer and the mediator. I didn't win, nor did I lose, but it felt kinda weird for me to get all worked up like that. I was able to make some good progress on both topics, though, which seem to be eating up a majority of my time.

Luckily, Amber called to see if I wanted to do dinner. Even though she's barely over two weeks post jaw cutting, she seems to be eating fairly well and looking pretty arguments there.

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