Saturday, January 31, 2004


Thursday night I was up in the city for the TGSF Social. I had been asked to attend since I was the runner-up for Ms. TGSF. Deciding not really to hang out there for dinner, I arranged to meet Claire and Amy for some food beforehand. Claire suggested we head over to the Fillmore area and try something there. So, we found a noodle bar, but the food I had wasn’t that great. Amy’s dish, which I sampled, was pretty decent though. Anyway, they brought something called a Mystic Fish with the check. Claire read the package which indicated to put the fish on your palm and see how it reacts. So, she sticks the whole thing on her palm and it does nothing. Turning over the white plastic, it has the meaning of what in this case: Motionless - thoughtful attitude, but your friends like you anyway. Claire says, “What’s that supposed to mean?” I just chuckled.

After looking a little closer at the white plastic, I notice the fish is actually inside the little bag. I pull it out and place it on my hand as it should be done. Only the head moved for me, which meant: generosity. Claire says, “’re paying for the bill, huh?” Not!!!

Claire and Amy both had the fish’s head and tail move, which indicated: stubborn. Yep, right again. :)

When we were getting back into my car, Claire donked her head on the ceiling as she climbed into the back seat. She says, “I know I hit it, but I can’t feel it.” Great. That’s something to look forward to.

We hung out at the Social for a little while as they dragged Siobhan, Anne Louise, and myself up there to talk about the Cotillion. Siobhan stated that she had a number in her camp tell her that she should have won, and thought I probably did as well, but that we all need to put the petty politics aside that have caused a lot of trouble lately. We need to rally behind Anne Louise and support her as Ms. TGSF. Siobhan’s right. I expressed the same sentiments when I was asked to say a few words. What’s really bad, is that I see so much of the politics. It really drives me crazy trying to put up with all of it. The thing is, I also like to give back to the community, although all it’s given me lately is a hard time.

I took off yesterday afternoon to do a little laser on my body, and on my face to try to get rid of some of the ingrowns. The arms and legs went pretty easily, but the goatee area of my face stung pretty bad. Looking at my face tonite, I still have some redness and darkness. Darn. I was hoping the laser would get most of that. Well, I’ll give it 2 weeks to see if I shed most of it, but right now it doesn’t look that promising. I went to electro after that with her working on my cheeks and neck. I think she cleared my face once again, but I scheduled another 1-2 hours for cleanup on Monday night which still allows me my two weeks before surgery without laser or electro.

I received a call from an unknown number this morning and answered in my girl voice. It was Joe, and he asked for Kara. Hey, I was impressed that he did that. We chatted for a little while since he was curious about my upcoming surgery and how I was doing with everything. He wondered how I was doing my voice and if the hormones had affected it, but I said it was just practice...and that it still needed a lot of work. It was nice to have him call me though, since he has been a friend I have known for a long time.

I’ve been cleaning up my apartment this afternoon before everyone comes over for the Super Bowl Party tomorrow. I have a variety of friends showing up including one from college who just moved out here, and a few that have never seen me as Kara. It should be fun.

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